
Puisi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pengaduan Atau Keluhan Seorang Kekasih

Unknown | 07.30 | Be the first to comment!
The Lover's Complaint (Pengaduan/Keluhan Kekasih) adalah puisi naratif yang diterbitkan sebagai lampiran edisi asli soneta Shakespeare. Puisi ini terdiri dari empat puluh tujuh baris bait yang ditulis dalam rhyme royal (Dengan sajak skema ababbcc). Dalam puisi ini, pembicara melihat seorang wanita muda sedang menangis di tepi sungai, di mana ia melempar surat yang ada di tangannya, cincin, dan kenangan-kenangan cinta lainnya. Seorang pria tua menanyaan kenapa dia bersedih, kemudian dia bercerita tentang mantan kekasih yang dikejar, menggoda, dan akhirnya meninggalkannya. Bagaimana cerita selanjutnya dalam puisi "The Lover's Complaint", baca saja puisi bahasa Inggris di bawah ini!

Procedure Text Tentang Cara Mengembalikan Laptop Toshiba Ke Factory Setting

Unknown | 07.30 | 1 Comment so far
Berikut ini contoh Procedure Text tentang cara mengembalikan setting laptop Toshiba ke pengaturan/Setting pabrik. Bacalah teks ini kemudian fahami setiap petunjuk atau langkah yang ada.

Many Toshiba laptops come with the factory software recovery image stored in a special (hidden) area on the hard disk. From this special hidden system recovery image, you can restore your computer to its factory-fresh software condition by following these steps:
  1. Make sure the computer is turned off ("Shut-down" from the Windows Start menu)
  2. Remove any peripherals such an external mouse, keyboard, monitor, USB flash drive etc.
  3. Make sure the AC Adapter is plugged in and working.
  4. Press and hold down the 0 (zero) key on the keyboard while powering on the computer. Release it when the recovery warning screen appears.
  5. If the recovery process offers a choice of Operating Systems, select the appropriate one for you.
  6. A warning screen appears, stating that when the recovery is executed all data will be deleted and rewritten.
  7. Click Yes to continue.
  8. When the Toshiba Recovery Wizard opens select "Recovery of Factory Software" or the appropriate option for your needs.
  9. Continue to follow the directions restarting as necessary.

That's all.

Answer the following questions!
  1. How many steps to restore your Toshiba laptop to factory setting?
  2. Based on the above steps, Do we need to turn off our computer?
  3. What is the third step to restore your Toshiba laptop to factory setting?
  4. What will you do when the recovery process offers a choice of Operating Systems?
  5. Release it when the recovery warning screen appears. What does the word "it" means?

Source : https://www.csd.toshiba.com/

The Olympic Games

Unknown | 07.30 | Be the first to comment!
Read the text and answer the questions!

The Olympic Games were first held in ancient Greece in 776 BC. The event lasted for more than one thousand years but then died out after Greece became part of Roman Empire. In 1890 Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a Frenchman decided to start the Olympics again. He wanted to promote how to strengthen mind and spirit shown in the classic Greek Olympic Games. He succeeded and the first modern Olympic Games began in Athens, Greece in 1896.

A Trip To Suranadi Garden

Unknown | 07.30 | Be the first to comment!
A Trip to Suranadi Garden
Last Sunday, my classmates and I had a travel to Suranadi garden in Narmada. It was the school program for the ninth grade students to enlarge their experience. We traveled by car.

When we arrived at Suranadi garden. We bought tickets and entered the garden. It was like a forest, but had to enter through a specific gate. Not long after that we had been in the garden. It was very large. We felt so surprised; we saw elephants and many kinds of plants.

At last we found a place somewhere around to enjoy our lunch. The Suranadi garden is very important place to keep our environment green.

Contoh Surat Dalam Bahasa Inggris Tentang Keberhasilan / Kesuksesan

Unknown | 07.30 | Be the first to comment!
Read the following letter and answer the questions!

Dear Uncle Sam

Uncle, I have some good news for you. Last month I passed my final examination. A week ago I succeeded to join a senior high school competition. Last night my parent promised me to send me a famous English course in my town. They also promised me if my score in English are good, they will send me to a foreign university. Great, isn’t it? I will work hard. I want to be a good dentist like you, Uncle.
Well, that’s all for now. Looking forward to having your news.
